Thursday, April 21, 2011

Less Greenhouse Gas as of Today

Everything went great this morning and since the kids are on Spring Break we did not visit a school but we went with many kids from the community to take part in an eco-project we have going on here in the village. We educate the kids on the 350ppm (parts per million) and how trees can help us get to that mark. At the present moment we are at 380ppm which is above where we need to be but that is what the Ridgefield kids set out to fix on their morning of planting trees and learning about the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and how it is measured and ways to control it.

If your interested in more about this you can read about it in a blog post we have on our site CLICK HERE.


  1. Jon, glad to see you are actually doing some work and that it is not all fun and adventure!

  2. Nice jump Andy! And it sure looks like you're ready to help plant the garden at home!
    Good work,

  3. Good to know that you enjoy planting JP, cuz we have some to do at home too.. Loved the jump =) how many times did you jump? Enjoy the rest of the trip! Are you taking pics? Luv ya - mom.

  4. Hi Ryan H,
    Great job planting trees. You all look like your working hard & playing hard. Have fun. We miss you. Be sure to take lots of pix. -xo, Mom, Dad & Alex

  5. This is great! I agree with all the parents, and will save the front planting area for when you come home. Seeing as you are so experienced now! :)

  6. Jules,

    Did you jump????!!!!

    I am dying to know!

  7. Hi Margaret. It looks like it was my kind of work day. Way to go. Hope you're having a great time with your family. Miss you and love you tons. Mom
    We LOVE the blog!!!
