Saturday, April 23, 2011


Take a look at the zipline video it was a great success and perfect weather for the zipping. I remember last year it was rainy for Mrs. Roth trip and this group brought the perfect weather not only for the zipline but for all of the trip.

There are only a few blog post left and we hope you have enjoyed following. I know we enjoy posting and hearing your comments. We hope that if you are ever interested in a Costa Rica family vacation you will consider our company. We operate private family trips that can be geared towards more of a family type vacation as compared to this intense week with the Ridgefield kids. We dont make all of our clients climb into the cave and rappel. Just contact us at any time or feel free to pass on our info or

We would love to have you follow our facebook page also. You can visit our facebook page and follow us just click here. Enjoy the video of the zip and PURA VIDA!


  1. Ty, Mom could NOT have done the zipline! So cool...Ty, you crack us fear huh??? So sorry this is coming to an end. CRR you guys did a wonderful job! So professional and most of all thanks for giving our kids the time of their lives! Mr. and Mrs. Roth, well thank you just doesn't seem enough but again, THANK YOU so much for giving our kids the opportunity to experience this with you and your family. See you all at the airport. Have a safe flight and stick together!!! love, Mom and Dad (Chris says OMG sooo coool)

  2. Does anyone know where the kids are being dropped off when they get back from airport? Is it Starbucks in Danbury?

    That said, Jules you have the time of your life, and we have so enjoyed being able to watch it unfold. MANY Thanks to CRR and the Roth family!

    Try and get some sleep on the flight home. Safe trip! :)

  3. Awesome...we hope everyone did the zip line. Thank you so much mr and Mrs Roth and CRR...this was a priceless experience for these great kids. Mrs Roth, Kenny is hoping you will take him in two years... If not, we hope you find a, Ms Smith? Mr Settani? Mrs Ghannam? ... Or perhaps the Days will have to step up...

    Enjoy the rest if your time in beautiful Costa Rica. Safe travels home - mom and dad Day

  4. What a fabulous experience! Ryan, glad to see you in a picture for the zipline... hope you weren't too scared :-)!

    Mr. & Mrs. Roth and CRR - thank you so much for all that you have done this week for the kids... can't tell you how much we appreciate it!! And, like Kenny, Dylan can't wait for the trip in 2 years! Thanks again from the Careys!

  5. Phenomenal tour! Thank you Roth family for inviting our children to experience wonderful Costa Rica on this fabulous CRR tour, which we know is like no other. Truly a once in a lifetime experience that the kids will never forget and for which we are all so thankful. Alden says, "Wow! so cool. Were you the first to fly on the zip sissy? You are getting brave - no more fear of heights. Wow!" Try to get some sleep on the plane as you all have school the morning you arrive home. Juliana, remember the TBarn letdown after the intensive class and show completion? might expect something similar when this is all over right? Remember to thank everyone and stick together on the way home. Safe travels. Love you

  6. Wow, what a fabulous week!! THANK YOU, Mr. and Mrs. Roth! We have really enjoyed the blog and looked forward to every post. Thanks, Tom, you did a great job. If we're ever lucky enough to take a family trip to Costa Rica, we'll definitely turn to you and CRR. We'll spread the word to friends too.
    Margaret, have a wonderful final night. Love you tons, m and d

  7. Thank you CRR and the Roth family.You have given our kids an experience of a lifetime. I am sure Avesh will treasure these memories and friendships for a long time to come. We have enjoyed the blog..what a great way to be part of this adventure.
    Avesh enjoy the last day and travel back home safe.(remember something for Tarini).Cant wait to have you back home. Lots of love, Mom and Dad.

  8. Claire its your cousins, Carly and Rachel! how is the trip of your life. we just had dinner at your house and going to watch a movie on the new couch, but what have you been up too? Guess what i heard, there were 20 ft snakes all over costa rica. not even kidding!good thing your coming home tomorrow! omg Nannies peanut butter eggs that were TERRIFIC! you missed egg dieing haha dont worry ellie made you a yellow one! didnt your mother ever teach you guys not to spread your yellow liqud!!nana has dibs on your bed so ill be on the new couch!!Lastly i cant believe you..not telling me about this got me something am i right?? oh another thing thanks for letting me wear your clothes to church!i showerd dont worry haha. lastly we miss and since you missed easter we hid a raw egg in your room better find it..check your bed before you lay CARLY mostlyyy and RAchel..jack slightly

  9. Hi Ryan, hope you had a great time flying through the rain forest. Very impressive. We can't wait to see you tomorrow!

    To Jennifer & Jeffrey and all the CRR staff and guides, many thanks for your hard work and care of our children. Their faces tell all - it's an amazing adventure, one not to be forgotten or matched.

    Enjoy your last moments together in Costa Rica.
    - The Hallahans
    PS - Hey Ryan, be sure to sleep on the plane, you ARE going to school Monday. Luv ya!

    PPS - The Rangers are out - BUMMER! (from Dad)

  10. Hey Andy,
    We hope you enjoyed the trip and that your trip home is smooth. We echo those sentiments of gratitude already expressed -- Mrs. Roth & family and CRR thanks so much for giving Andy this incredible opportunity, as Alicia said tonight "Andy will be talking about this trip forever!"
    Be safe, we can't wait to see you back home,
    Mom, Dad, Aliciia (and Daisy too).

  11. Hi Claire, Happy Easter! I'm looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back. Safe trip home! Love, CT Nana

    Enjoy the last evening together in beautiful Costa Rica!! A huge THANK YOU to Jennifer, Jeffrey and CRR for creating a caring and educating experience that will last a lifetime! I hope these children will take this and make themselves and the world a better place!
    Happy Easter!! Love you!! Mom, Dad, Jack, Ellie and Charlie XOX

  12. Wow... thank you Mr. and Mrs. Roth and CRR for giving our kids an experience that they will take with them forever. This was truly an amazing, well thought out, opportunity of a lifetime. Meaghan as well as Dylan and Kenny are hoping that you remember the siblings in two years.

    JP - don't forget to check the room before you leave for anything left behind. Do try and get some sleep on the plane. Can't wait to hear and see all your pics of the trip. Safe travels. Luv ya, Mom

  13. Jules,
    Your time is winding down, and you will have these memories to treasure always. :) Give the Roths BIG HUGS from us! We were fortunate to have her play such a special role in both yours and Derek's lives! ( He checked out the blog! )

    Safe trip my love, and Like Mrs. O'Hara said, " Check and make sure you got everything. Check all the drawers, floor, and under the beds.

    Love Ya! Can't wait to see you! XOXO Mom & Dad
    P.S.- Tell Em to check too! :)
